Tuesday, July 7, 2009

BiblIndex: Biblia Patristica Online

If you aren't using BiblIndex -- a remarkably helpful site that allows users to search for biblical citations in the works of a number of Patristic authors and thus the online version of Biblia Patristica -- you really ought to.

The site is in the process of some exciting changes. The newsletter below -- e-mailed to roughly a thousand registered users -- goes some way towards explaining.

Friends and Users of

This is the first collective mailing we send you, to keep you informed of the latest developments of the project or new features on the site. By the way, we’ll also check the registered email addresses and remove wrong accounts.
Today you’re 1,404, from 58 different countries, who have already registered on Biblindex; every day, the site receives about 80 visits. We also received a lot of supporting messages, expressing high expectations about the site growth. These figures and reactions mean our project met worldwide a significant echo, and we are obviously delighted about this.
vocation is to become a participating site, where each user can become a contributor by correcting data or sharing the biblical quotations or allusions he found: the larger the user community is, the better the available tool will be.

However, we now face a major difficulty. Indeed, when we opened the site in December 2008, we hoped to obtain financial support from the French National Research Agency (ANR) in 2009. Unfortunately, we learnt in June that the submitted project was rejected, but we do
not have yet any clue, nor report explaining the failure.

We will try again to obtain public funding, particularly from the Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, without whom the site would never have come into being; but we must add any private funds to these potential resources: So if you have any ideas of foundations or sponsors to whom we could address, please let us know! Of course each of you can also make a donation, on a regular or occasional basis, a Paypal button has been placed on all pages of the site: the funds are paid to the Association of “Sources Chrétiennes”’s Friends (AASC on the receipt), and will be used specifically for Biblindex development. We absolutely need your help to go onwards: without IT development, we won’t be able to create the virtual community of scholars and researchers we need to collect biblical quotations and expand the corpus. This is really the first step, thank you in advance for your help!

However, in order not to conclude on a negative note, let’s point out the very limited indeed, but positive prospects of this summer. The Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, which agreed to support the project in 2009 up to € 2,500 (inclusive of tax), will significantly help us to improve the search form. Besides, an IT developer works by us on placement since June 15th until September 25th, to provide the Sources Chrétiennes team a way to work on the database through the intranet. Newsletter No. 2 will focus on these advances.

This newsletter is sent to all registered users of Biblindex. If you do not wish to receive it, please send a mail to biblindex.sc@mom.fr. If you wish to have it sent to your colleagues, friends and associations, etc., give us their e-mail addresses. Moreover, if you are in charge of an institution working in the area of Christian Literature in Late Antiquity, you can link to our website on yours, by indicating the following address: http://www.biblindex.net/index.php?lang=en. Many registrations already came through links placed on blogs or institutional pages, this information diffusion is a great way to help us.

For the
Biblindex team, Laurence Mellerin

Monday, June 8, 2009

Write or Die

If "Publish or Perish" is academia's motto, "Write or Die" is its logical predecessor -- only in (relatively) rare, usually unhappy cases can he who has not written become he who has published.  (I am, however, aware of several cases where "he who has merely translated the works of Q. Esteemed Scholar from the latter's native language" became "he who has published" ... aforementioned works, thus falsely feathering his nest.) 

Writing is hard work, and for the humanities-inclined academic there's truly no way around it.  There are, however, an ever-increasing array of gadgets and programs, largely free or low-cost, that will make the writing experience more interactive, more motivating and overall less painful.  I'm a geek at heart (... albeit sadly not the kind that writes useful programs and heads multi-billion-dollar software emporia, but merely the kind who will be first in line when cybernetic implants become popularly available.)  The availability of a new gadget, program or "hack" makes me salivate -- even more when said hack offers to help me accomplish a highly desirable goal.  Over the past few months, I've been playing around with three or four different programs designed to increase writing and research output.  Happily, they are all multi-platform (... hear that, Google gods?! ...) and all quite promising.

The first, oldest and most basic is Zotero -- a program that folds directly into your Firefox browser and allows you to store notes, screenshots, and all manner of files.  Library databases like ATLA and JSTOR download citations directly into Zotero -- not always a win if you're using Endnote, but a handy tool nonetheless. Best of all, after a recent upgrade, your computer's Zotero folder is now backed up online and accessible from all Zotero-able computers.  In my own work, I use Zotero to store library references, screenshots of items I need/want, and as a way of keeping a folder with article/paper ideas on hand. 

The second in line, one I've played with quite a bit recently is Scrivener.  Unlike Zotero, Scrivener is a writing rather than a pre-writing/note-taking/research app.  It allows for attractive and easy story-boarding -- love that cork-wall effect! -- and gives writers every option to arrange, rearrange, outline and draft to their hearts' content.  This is probably the point where I shame-facedly admit to not being quite creative enough to get the full benefit of an app that is, apparently, heartily endorsed by novelists and playwrites everywhere.  Accordingly, I didn't end up purchasing the program after its 30-day trial ran out.  For my fellow mundane academic writers I am, however, happy to report that Scrivener performed just fine on a project on which I've been working ... despite the fact that a detailed analysis of Pauline exegesis in Carthage is unlikely to become a bestseller.

Third comes my current favorite:  Evernote.  For my money -- which, in the interest of full disclosure, totals exactly $0 since I downloaded it during a Lifehacker promotion -- this program combines the best of Zotero with a number of the good features of Scrivener.  I've yet to plumb all it s features (handwriting recognition?!) and given that despite much geek-lust I'll never be able to justify purchasing an iPhone, I doubt I ever will.  That being said, the combination of an online database to store my work that cross-references with my iPod touch -- while not a massive improvement over Google Docs -- is nevertheless quite sweet. 

Finally, for those terminally writer's-blocked moments, there's always Write or Die ... I DARE you to work on that dissertation in Kamikaze mode ;)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thing Theory in Action.

Bill Brown, perhaps best known as the expositor of Thing Theory (... a term that at NAPS drew chuckles from even some of the more illustrious attendees ...) explains his development of Heidegger's Thing/Object distinction as follows:  “We begin to confront the thingness of objects when they stop working for us: when the drill breaks, when the car stalls, when the windows get filthy, when their flow within the circuits of production and distribution, consumption and exhibition, has been arrested, however momentarily.” 

Patricia Cox Miller who in her recent monograph The Corporeal Imagination makes use of Thing Theory elaborates:  "In other words, an object becomes a 'thing' when it can no longer be taken for granted as part of the everyday world of the naturalized environment in which objects such as clean windows are so familiar as not to be noticed."

I've been thinking about these lofty concepts primarily because for me a number of "objects" took a turn towards "thing-ness" this week -- the natural function of, say, an indefinitely renewable lease or an unobstructed Eustachian tube in my right ear revealed themselves as anything but natural.  Things broke, to a greater or lesser extent, and my efforts to return them to their previous happy state of objectness have consumed a lot more of my time than I had anticipated.  With any luck, everything should be back on track however -- and thus concludes the business of things

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Language Acquisition for Demons and other Spiritual Entities

(The layout-change and new picture of your, er, friendly blogger are due in part to comments addressed to "Opus" -- a name that, at the risk of dating me, is inextricably connected with Berke Breathed's wonderful Bloom County/Outland/Opus character -- and in part to my innate love of clean lines and quirky colors.  Admit it:  The muted brown tones were a little on the pretentious side.  With any luck, no one will be able to take offense at the writings of a small penguin wearing a Carmen Miranda hat.)

Much of the Western Church celebrates Pentecost today -- the feast of the arrival of the Holy Spirit, as narrated in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.  A significant part of the story is, of course, the disciples' spirit-induced polyglot state:

"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each.  Amazed and astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” 

This -- to Westerners -- familiar text put me in mind of another, far less recognizable one, from the fourth-century Life of Hilarion by Jerome.  This vita -- one of three produced by Jerome and, like its companion pieces, on occasion unintentionally hilarious by virtue of its author's determination to out-do all competitors in the antiquity and impressiveness of his stories.  Part of the story involves Hilarion casting out a demon from a certain Roman military official from Constantius' court  "whose golden hair and personal beauty revealed his country (it lay between the Saxons and the Alemanni, was of no great extent but powerful, and is known to historians as Germany, but is now called France)."  Pursued by a demon, the man seeks out Hilarion, who proceeds to interrogate him:

Immediately on being questioned by the servant of God the man sprang up on tiptoe, so as scarcely to touch the ground with his feet, and with a wild roar replied in Syriac in which language he had been interrogated. Pure Syriac was heard flowing from the lips of a barbarian who knew only French and Latin, and that without the absence of a sibilant, or an aspirate, or an idiom of the speech of Palestine. The demon then confessed by what means he had entered into him. Further, that his interpreters who knew only Greek and Latin might understand, Hilarion questioned him also in Greek, and when he gave the same answer in the same words and alleged in excuse many occasions on which spells had been laid upon him, and how he was bound to yield to magic arts, “I care not,” said the saint, “how you came to enter, but I command you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to come out.” The man, as soon as he was healed, with a rough simplicity offered him ten pounds of gold. But the saint took from him only bread, and told him that they who were nourished on such food regarded gold as mire.

Demons, apparently, are multi-lingual as well, albeit with a preference for Syriac -- and, really, which amongst us would not consent to a little demonic possession if as a result "pure Syriac" could be heard flowing from our lips?! ;)

P.S.:  As part of my non-EC extracurricular activities, I enjoy reading Japanese and Japanese-American fiction.  Accordingly the recent release date of 1Q84 by Murakami has been a red-letter date in my calendar for a while.  No English release date is set yet, but How To Japanese has life-blogged his reading experience!  Wow!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unwarranted Cynicism.

Sometimes an idea is so compelling, a parallel so enticing, that it sweeps several fields of scholarship like the proverbial wildfire ... leaving a slightly crispy bit of undergrowth and a number of befuddled scholars in its path.  It seems to me that the "Cynic hypothesis" (in its various forms) is an example of such a phenomenon.

I'm not a NT scholar, and as such the "Cynic Jesus" (as endorsed by Burton Mack, J.D. Crossan, and most notably F. Gerald Downing) is largely safe from my critique.  [It nevertheless strikes me that Downing's criteria for spotting a Cynic Christian raises a number of concerns -- as when he argues that Cynics might include “other individuals who espouse a Cynic life-style, if some in the ancient world see them as such, even if others find more significant different facets of their views and allegiance” (Cynics and Christian Origins, p. 55).  This definition rather suggests that anyone whose views bear a “family resemblance” with Cynicism “can be used to illustrate and document what seemed Cynic to near contemporaries in the ancient world” (Ibid.).  For my money, Downing here comes very close to identifying Cynics the way a certain former U.S. Supreme Court Justice defined pornography – he knows one when he sees one.  The usefulness of this criterion for judicial or academic purposes appears dubious. But I disgress.]

The field of Early Christian studies has, however, has not remained entirely free from brushes with Cynic-ism either.  This realization struck me recently when spending a bit of quality time with Augustine's De Opere Monachorum.  The putative recipients of this treatise are a group of Carthaginian monks who distinguish themselves, first by their avoidance of manual labor in favor of a "lilies of the field" lifestyle of begging and otherwise living off the community's good graces and, on the other hand, by their long hair.  (Hair, apparently, is a consistently pressing issue in Carthage, ranging from the un-veiled flowing locks of third-century virgins to the -- still unveiled, still flowing -- locks of fifth century monks.  That's a topic for another entry, however.)

De Opere Monachorum has received attention primarily from two camps of scholars -- those interested in tracing late antique attitudes towards work in general and manual labor in particular, and those preoccupied by the question of the monks' identity and origin.  The latter question is nearer and dearer to my own heart (... and while I'm not in full agreement with him either, thus far Daniel Caner has proposed the most satisfying solution.) Another recent contribution by a serious and highly respectable (... not to mention:  far more brilliant than yours truly ...) scholar, Kenneth Steinhauser, however, involves the identification of these monks with -- Christian Cynics.

Prof. Steinhauser begins his brief contribution with a thoughtful exposition of prior work on  the De Opere Monachorum, including a review of previously raised hypotheses of the monks' identity.  He furthermore identifies six key characteristics that emerge from Augustine's description.  While not all of these characteristics fit the picture (... the in my view essential exegetical preference for gospel-sayings over Pauline dicta, for example, falls by the wayside ...), Steinhauser nevertheless asserts that "[t]he beatnik monks of Carthage are remarkably similar to the ancient Cynic philosophers."  Steinhauser's argument here comes close to Downing's in his reliance upon phenotypical resemblances:  "Cynics did not work.  They wore long hair and a distinctive garb.  They acquired their livelihood begging.  They engaged in various self-debasing practices.  They wandered about the countryside.  They propagated their views in public.  They were social critics. They formed a clique." etc. 

While some of these points require a bit of qualification -- long hair was not, as Steinhauser later concedes, a universal feature of Cynic habitus, and the mention of "self-debasing practices" raises uncomfortable issues in light of the monks' emphasis on humiliation as quasi-penitential ... a distinctly non-Cynic take.  The more serious problem, however, is Steinhauser's subsequent development of his argument by way of three "illustrations from antiquity."  Steinhauser here draws upon Diogenes' "self-sufficiency and independence" -- arguably a parallel with Augustine's monks; Gregory Nazianzen's encomium (an later bitter chastising) of Maximus as a Cynic; and the emperor Julian's (rather unflattering) analogy between monks and Cynics.

On the whole, these similarities fall rather short of being "sufficient ot demonstrate similarities between the Cynic philosophers and the dissident Carthaginian monks" -- and to his credit, Steinhauser notes that a "historical connection between [the two groups] cannot be proved."  By the same token, however, I wonder whether a similar piece (... or, in the case of Downing, similar pieceS ...) would have made their way into the pool of scholarly publication if the referent involved were not such an intriguing, entertaining bunch as the Cynics.  Caught up in the eccentricities of Cynic accounts and anecdotes, it seems that even the most able of scholarly contributors at times set aside cautious discernment in favor of unbridled enthusiasm. 

Such leaps do, of course, frequently move the field forward and as such should not be stifled -- nevertheless, it might be time to shelve Cynicism at least unless and until further evidence arises from the dungheap. 

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"In this paper, I'd like to ..."

Conference season hasn't technically ground into high gear yet, but with bloggers making use of the lazy summer-months (ha!) to prepare their SBL/AAR papers, a few bloggers have been tackling the "to script or not to script" question.  Coming off NAPS, this question is near and dear to my heart, and the diverse and well-formulated opinions of AKMA and Mark Goodacre are fine representative of different schools of paper-presenting.

My confession:  I script.  I know, I know ... the spontaneity, the audience connection, the ability to convey just how well one controls the material -- those are all real benefits, ones I value in others' presentations, and have been taught to value in my own work as well.  Ultimately, however, the decision for me turns on a number of factors, including but not limited to the following:
  • How tight is my schedule?  Speakers favored with the attentions of a captive audience -- say, at plenary addresses or church sermons -- have a bit more leeway than contributions to "20-minutes, and once you pass the mark you'll be interrupted and thrown to the vicious glares of the poor sods scheduled to speak after you" panels.  At the risk of sounding as disorganized as I truly am, my ability to extemporate never allows me to hit the mark with quite that precision -- and to impinge upon colleague's time and audiences' good graces seems ... unwise, not to mention in poor form. (Corollary:  What is it people have come to hear -- and if it's not just "your research, you brilliant, sexy beast!," how can I best deliver on what I've implicitly promised my audience?)
  • How nervous am I likely to be?  Giving a paper before the savage fiends of my local reading group is far less likely to send me grasping for the Beta-blockers than presenting the past year's research to the fifty or sixty leading experts in my field.  (Shout-out to the savage fiends -- you rock, guys!) Even without fear of public speaking, the likelihood of seizing up, babbling incoherently and/or somehow leaving out a little thing like the paper's actual thesis is just too great for my tastes when the kinds of folks who may at some point be amenable to giving me a job.
  • How can I ameliorate the negative side-effects of reading from a script (or working extemporaneously)?  When working from anything other than a 98%-full script, that means in my case -- tight outline and keeping a timer on hand.  (The stopwatch feature of my iPod touch works nicely.)  When reading my presentation, this means building in breaks at which to establish audience contact, usually when moving from one section to the next, as well as having done a sufficient number of read-throughs to a.) ensure that the text actually flows and b.) annotate the script for inflection, emphasis, breaks, etc.  At a minimum, being prepared rules out the "surprise effect" Mark mentions -- giving the audience the distinct impression that the presenter has never before been confronted with his/her paper. 
Of course, in the end, the best laid plans of mice and men (... or, as they say way back home:  Man thinks and God objects! ...)  My much-practiced, reasonably scripted, thoughtfully prepared presentation last weekend fell prey to a Freudian slip of generously sized proportions.  After all those hopes to make myself memorable -- well, careful what you wish for ;)

P.S.:  The "blogging for tenure" conversation continues.  Jim West has weighed in with a somewhat baffling contribution; Goodacre responds here.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Publishing For Dummies: Blogging as Research/Teaching/Service?

My friend Stephen over at Hypotyposeis has begun an interesting conversation around one of the points raised at NAPS -- come T-Day (... tenure-decision day, that is ...), how should one classify one's assiduous daily or monthly forays into the wonderful world of biblio- (or: patro-)blogging?*  Moreover, how will one's tenure committee regard those efforts in the context of the three crucial rubriks of "research," "teaching," and "service"?

When pressed on this issue, David Brakke of Indiana University noted that, as a department head, he tended to view blogging as "service," alongside committee attendance and similarly stimulating opportunities.  Brakke was quick to note the need for well-informed bloggers writing on the subject of Early Christianity, as well as the ever-changing world of academic publications and tenure decisions.  Given that, at IU and similar institutions (... frequently categorized under the category of R-1 ...) a candidate for tenure needs to achieve an "outstanding" in research, but merely attain to "adequate" standing in teaching and service, the message is nevertheless clear -- keep on blogging, but be prepared for your committee to wonder whether all that time could not have been more productively spent hammering out a couple more articles.

As for the question of where blogging ought to fit into the three-fold scheme, I find myself hard pressed to come up with a blanket answer.  After all, "blog" hardly equals "blog":  While my disquisitions upon the artistic merits of the most recent Star Trek movie may delight all and sundry, I can hardly expect my tenure committee to assess my value to the university on the basis of what I thought of Chris Pine's ass.  A number of long-standing and prolific bloggers keep thus personal and professional blogs alongside one another -- Mark Goodacre's NT Gateway blog and personal family blog being the prime examples thereof. 

Even within the realm of purely academic blogs, moreover, different labels apply.  A blog may thus reflect upon the nature of academic life (... Rate Your Students is just one instance of such a venture ...) without commenting upon a particular field.  Such a blog could easily be qualified as "service," I think, as it provides commentary helpful to the academic community without necessarily advancing the status of scholarship.  Most Biblioblogs, on the other hand, provide a trickeir scenario, and one that benefits from contextualization:  After all, "service" encompasses not only the weighty task of serving as pizza-bringing-chair for the departmental liaisons' support group, but also tasks like writing dictionary entries, authoring longer, commissioned encyclopedia pieces, etc.  While these may qualify as "publications" in the more traditional sense, they nevertheless do not constitute research, in large part because they, by their very nature, are synthetic and regurgitative. 

A number of blogs I read fit this description as well:  They bring together in helpful ways a number of scholarly opinions on a particular subject without inserting too much of the author's own views or original conclusions.  Such blogs provide, I believe, an important service to the academic and lay scholarly community -- as such, categorizing them under "service" is, in my view, perfectly justified.  Other blogs, like Stephen Carlson's, Ed Cook's and Mark Goodacre's offer at the very least a healthy dose of analysis and contribution to scholarship. 

For many bloggers who also happen to be academics, their blogs provide opportunities to "test the waters" before unleashing an idea upon the scholarly community at large by way of a lecture, article or monograph.  As such they foster scholarly dialogue that ultimately improve these bloggers' reasearch and enhance the quality of their publications -- but does that suggest that their efforts should be, effectively, counted twice:  once for the initial floating of ideas/dissemination of data by blog, once for the finished product, the article or conference presentation, added to their CV?  Moreover, why not consider at leats the possibility of categorizing one's blog under "teaching"?  While recognizing that the NT Gateway is somewhat sui generis, its being featured on scores of NT syllabi across the country as an essential resource of students surely ought to give Goodacre credit under that rubric! 

I suspect it's high time that blogs be considered in some form by tenure committees, assuming they meet a certain number of minimum characteristics:  For a blog to blip on the academic radar, it ought to be topical, consistent (... knocking mine right off the list ...), public (... and thus engaging its readers in dialogue of some sort ...), and analytical.  Different institutions will want to add or subtract criteria as they see fit -- a Divinity School or seminary might thus find a confessional blog more palatable than a university. 

As for bloggers who also happen to be readers of Opus Imperfectum -- I'm curious:  Where do you see your own work fitting into the mix?  Research?  Teaching?  Service?  Pleasure?   Do tell.

Update:  Mark Goodacre over at the NT Gateway blog weighs in on the matter as well:  http://ntweblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/academic-blogging-publication-service.html

* With any luck, patro-blogging will soon take its rightful place in the bloggers' dictionary, right next to biblio-blogging.

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